
标签:关键,关键词,优化,是什么,什么,它的,紧张,在哪 时间:2024年04月20日 阅读193次
Keywords ranking optimization
关键词排名优化SEO,是Search Engine Optimization英文的缩写。是一种长期总结出的搜索引擎收录和排名规则,对网站进行程序、内容、版块、布局等的调整,使网站更容易被搜索引擎收录,在搜索引擎中相干关键词的排名中占有有利的位置。在国外,SEO已经是比较成熟的行业,而在国内还尚处于起步和发展阶段。
Keywords ranking Optimization, or seo, is the Search Engine Optimization is the abbreviation of English. Is a kind of long-term summed up the search engine included and ranking rules, the on site application, content, edition piece, layout adjustment, make the website easier to search engine, keywords in the search engine rankings occupy a favorable position. Abroad, SEO is already relatively mature industry, and also is still in its beginning and development stage in China.
Foreign names
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization
Keywords distribution refers to the key words on the page
置.这个位置可以是title 标签、链接、headings、文本主体,或任何有笔墨出现的地方.title 标
. This position can be the title tags, links, subject headings, text, or any text appear. The title tag
Sign is the most important of a web page search keyword best placed
位置.在title 标签内,关键词的布局体例是很
Position. Within the title tag, the layout of the key words is a way
紧张的.最紧张的关键词应放置在网页title 标
Important. The most important keywords should be placed in the title tag page
签的开头部分.假如放上悉数关键词,则在title 标签内有造成关键词堆砌(keyword stuffing)的
Sign the beginning. If put all the keywords, then cause keywords in the title tag contains pile (keyword stuffing)
伤害.万万不要在title 标签内使用任何关键词
Dangerous. Do not use any keywords in the title tag
More than three times (such as: steel grid plate steel grid plate - - steel gratings
Plate). In order to prevent the trigger keyword stack filters (keyword
stuffing filter),最多出现两次会更安全。 2排名优化 关键词排名
Stuffing the filter), up to twice will be more safe. 2 ranking optimization Keywords ranking
How to improve the keyword ranking
1, let the search engines to bring more traffic to websites, in order to improve the company's performance, attract investors or buyers, so as to realize the optimization of the network marketing, improve site exposure.
2, the reasonable use of keywords ranking optimization software, click on the keywords ranking optimization software is a can effectively improve the specified in the short term keywords ranking tools such as words, phrases, sentences. Software based on the research and development of search engine users behavior analysis, and can be used for site keywords ranking optimization, improve the website traffic. Stone keywords ranking optimization software can let keywords ranking is stable, long-term display in front of the search results page. But not all words are used to optimize the software, some difficulty low word, can use the content combined with external chain method to get good rankings.
3, through the search engine traffic to improve enterprise brand visibility and influence.
4, can attract the potential customers in the search engine
Easier to find your website, and by understanding and trade cooperation with enterprise, enterprise to profit from it.
5.盼望通过搜索引擎向欣赏者推介公司的产品,显现出产品的亮点,吸引更多的潜在客户,要想获得这其中的利益,首先当然关键词排名在亮点的位置,有了排名才有流量,有了流量在能进步企业的着名度,企业有了着名度当然就能达到营销的最佳化. 四处一词原则
5. Hope to the visitors through search engines to promote the company's products, display products, attract more potential clients, to get to the interests of those, first keywords ranking position in the highlights, of course, there are the rankings have flow, a flow in can improve enterprise well-knownness, enterprises with awareness, of course, will be able to achieve the desired marketing. Around the word
In the first place: page title tag keywords, and one of the most important factor in the title tag is the title of the page
标签Title Tag。题目标签应该结合网站优化关键词来撰写,并要对用户有充足的吸引力。 第二处:页面的keywords和description标签中出现关键词(假如是英文关键词,请在URL里也出现);虽然现 在搜索引擎对这两个标签
Label the Title Tag. Title tag should be combined with site optimization keywords to write, and I will have enough appeal to users. Second: page of keywords and description tags appear in the keywords (if it is English keywords, please also appear in the URL); Although now in the search engine on the two labels
不怎么正视,但是行使一下总是没有坏处的。 分外说明:在百度的站长平台中已经明确的说明,meta description已经不作为判断网站权重的指标。 但是,很显明,在这两块表现了关键词,对于SEO排名的提拔照旧有着肯定作用的。 第三处:页面的内容里,多次出现这个关键词,并在第一次出现时,加粗;这是一个强调的作用,然后文章内容关键词出现次数最好有个比例,一样平常是在5%-8%之间,如许做的目的是让我们的文章不只写给小我看,更是写给搜索引擎看。另外,seoer可以适当考虑在网站的头部和底部做好关键词的布局,这点,我想,许多seo人员都在使用,就不多说。
Don't seriously, but you to make use of always harmless. Special note: in the station platform of baidu has clear instructions, meta description is not as site weight indicators. But, obviously, in these two pieces of embodies the keywords, for seo ranking enhance or has a certain effect. In the third place: the content of the page, multiple occurrences of the keywords, and appeared for the first time, bold; This is an emphasis on the role of, then the article content keyword occurrences have a best proportion, generally is between 5% and 8%, the aim is to make our article not only to individuals, but also to the search engine. Seoer, moreover, can be appropriate to consider in the head and bottom of the web site to do the layout of the keywords, this, I think, a lot of seo personnel are in use, not said.
第四处:其他页面的锚文本里,出现这个关键词。关键字锚文本,在其他文章页面的锚文本链接里呈现关键字。这个比较容易理解,搜索引擎蜘蛛是按照必然的规则去抓取页面的内容,在蜘蛛抓取此外页面的时候,假如其他页面有呈现必要优化的关键字的锚文本链接,搜索引擎会增长这个关键字对应的网址的权重,假如这个权重充足大的话,那么这个关键字的排名就会很好。这也是为什么那些热门关键字排名比较好的网站的外部链接许多的缘故原由。 搜索引擎优化
The first around: other pages in the anchor text, in the key words. Keyword anchor text, other articles in the keyword appears in the anchor text links on the page. This is relatively easy to understand, search engine spiders are inevitable in accordance with the rules to grab the content of the page, at the time of spiders in addition page, if other pages have present need to optimize the keyword anchor text links, search engines will increase the weight of the keyword matching url, if the weight is big enough, then this keyword ranking will be very good. This is why those popular keyword ranking good external links a lot of reasons. Search engine optimization (seo)
一.行业特点.在考虑相干性、竞争对手以及地域性的同时, 要充分考虑行业特点的不同.
A. Industry. Considering the correlation, competitors, and regional, at the same time, we must give full consideration to the characteristics of the industry.
2. Correlation of site keywords, must and website home page and content are highly correlated.
3. In the name of the company or product brand name as a keyword in some cases, because of the needs of the development of the company, the company's name or the brand name of the product is directly is website main keywords, like my website membrane family, and wheat bags, etc.
Four. Consider competitors choose keywords, want to consider the idea of user, everybody was considering the idea of the user, will compete with each other.
Five. The business value of the main keywords different keywords are different on the business value of it is the same length, can also lead to different conversion rate.
六.地域性这个要看网站的定位, 区域性的照旧全国性的.比如人才网,要定位全国,可能选择关键词时就选"人才网",要是定位河北了,就选"河北人才网",要是仅仅定位石家庄,那可能就选"石家庄人才网"了.
Six. Regional this to see whether the site location, regional or national. Talent network, for example, to locate the country, may choose keywords when they choose "talent net", if positioning in hebei, choose "hebei talent net", if only locate in shijiazhuang, it may choose "shijiazhuang talent net".
Seven. Not too broad and special master of key words is too broad, and takes the price of the higher, the conversion rate is not too ideal. Sites like food do you do, for instance, that the word "food" is too broad, we can join a regional level
Degree of this item. Then the density should be controlled in how much? Is about 2% - 8%. Density is too small will be ranked, but too much density ranking is up but there is always the possibility of K. So density must grasp well, don't delusion cheating opportunism, that is a long-term solution.
5, web project. Have a lot of people can't understand it. Web forms are best use div + CSS pattern, is this why? As long as you look at the elder's website and published articles, carefully study the algorithm of baidu, in fact, everything is regular.
6, website, internal and external chain. It believe in the importance of how many he has arrived without everyone knows to contain the keywords NaWaiLian, PR value is very high, the for keyword ranking, is the nutrients.
7, web page the best pure dynamic, dynamic pages for search engines.
关键词分析 选择关键词
The analysis of key words, key words
在学习关键词优化过程中,首先必要选择合适的关键词,这个是关键。毕竟要想快速看到本身的优化结果必要选择合适本身能力范围内的并且跟网站相干的关键词。而一样平常站长选择关键词的方法重要是通过百度指数、谷歌指数和站长查询工具,通过查询咱们就可以获取比较粗糙的关键词了,当然这时候的关键词还不能直接添加到网站上去作为网站关键词,毕竟要选择一个合适的关键词必要进行多道工序的操作,而选择关键词只是关键词优化中第一步而已,这个得来的关键词其他的因素都没确定下来,所以并不能作网站关键词,那么在选择过程中,站长可以发挥本身的想象力,通过自定一个关键词进行扩展到相干的关键词,然后再行使工具查询其流量进行第一步的关键词选择,这也是新手在学习关键词优化时必须掌握的一步骤。 分析竞争度
In the process of learning keyword optimization, the first thing you need to choose the right keywords, this is the key. After all, if you want to quickly see own optimization effect need to choose appropriate oneself ability within the scope of and keywords related to website. The general webmaster choose keywords method mainly through baidu and Google index and webmasters query tools, through the query we can obtain more rough keywords, of course, at this time of keywords cannot be directly added to the site as a site keywords, keywords need to choose a suitable place of operation procedure, and choose keywords are just the first step in keyword optimization, the other factors of keywords are not sure yet, so it cannot do site keywords, so in the process of selection, webmasters can use your imagination, through customised a keyword extensions to the relevant keywords, and then reuse tools query its flow in the first step of keyword selection, this is the beginners in learning keyword optimization must master a step. Analysis of competitive
Choose the right keywords, will analyze the keywords competitive nature, which is also learning, the second step in the keyword optimization through in search engine query these keywords in what is in the first three pages of the website, using which page optimization, if the first two pages are using page optimization, so these keywords will be very competitive, and we should consider whether to give up.
Key words are combined.
八.搜索次数多,竞争少的关键词.最为理想的关键词是搜索次数最多,竞争强度最小的那些词,不过大部分搜索次数多的词,也是竞争最大的词,我们可以通过Google关键词工具以及百度指数来帮助我们进行关键词的发掘、扩展. 3关键词排名
Eight. Search more, less competitive keywords. The ideal keyword search is most times, the competition strength of the smallest those words, but most of the search of more words, is one of the biggest word of competition, we can use Google keyword tools and baidu index for keywords to help us to dig and extension. 3 keywords ranking
Promotion keywords ranking points
1, the focus of the keywords that, of course, is the key word, you should be careful when choosing keywords, keyword chosen, then the foundation of optimizing even played a very steady.
2, the location of the keywords is also very important. To write good essays, keywords can appropriate appear a few times more, but also should pay attention to right amount principle. As for several times, right or to the article itself where appropriate keywords.
3, the Title tag. This is a place that cannot be ignored, this should contain key words, like Google will be a little more attention to the Title tag.
4, keyword density. Believe that the people will not be strange, almost all mentioned keywords will appear keywords
There is refer to the number of baidu promotion, general search these keywords, appear in the number of baidu promotion in rank, the more optimization
就说明这些关键词越好价值,响应的其竞争度也是相称的大,况且假如首页推广数量是五条左右的,那么如许的关键词即使优化上首页也不会产生最大化的流量的,所以笔者建议新手在做关键词优化时,要懂得分析关键词的竞争度,如许可以使本身知道哪些词可以优化,哪些词优化起来比较辛苦而且还不能掌握结果的走向。 分析关键词流量
Means these keywords, the better value, the corresponding its competition degree is quite big, and if the page number is five or so, then the keyword does not produce the maximum flow optimization on the home page, so the author suggest that novice when doing keyword optimization, to know the analysis of the competitive keywords, so that you can make yourself know what words can be optimized, which words to optimize more arduous but also cannot master the effect. Analysis of key words flow
在做关键词优化之前,分析关键词流量是特别很是紧张的,假如本身优化的关键词几乎没有流量的话,那么如许的关键词即使排名首页了也没有任何的意义。所以,新手在做关键词优化前,要懂得分析关键词的流量如何,一样平常来说,关键词流量低于100的则属于冷门型的关键词;100-3000之间的属于中等竞争型关键词、3000以上的就属于竞争激烈的关键词了。所以新手在分析关键词流量时,要确定本身的关键词有没有流量,日流量重要在哪一个区域内,如许对本身能否把关键词优化起来提供了一个可靠的参考信息啊。而且通过分析关键词的流量如何,不会让本身优化到超级冷门型的关键词,毕竟关键词自己就没用户搜索的,那么优化起来也是没用的。 布局关键词
Before making a keyword optimization analysis of key words flow is very important, if their optimization keywords almost no traffic, then the key words even if the ranking front page do not have any significance. So, novice before doing keyword optimization, how to analyse the key word of traffic, in general, keyword traffic below 100 are less popular type of keywords; Belongs to the moderate competitive keywords between 100-3000, more than 3000 belong to the competitive keywords. So the novice on the analysis of the keyword traffic, to determine their own keywords to have traffic, daily traffic, where a major area for yourself whether the keyword optimization up provides a reliable reference information. And how, through the analysis of the flow of key words, won't make their optimization to super unpopular keywords, keywords in itself, after all, no users to search, then the optimization is also useless. Layout of the keywords
In the process of website optimization, the layout of the key words has been a very big effect, and two optimization methods of the same site, the decision to height is mainly the layout of the keywords ranking. Such as a key word, also a using a front page optimization with columns page optimization, natural everyone know that the weight of front page on the site belongs to the highest, so natural to their ranking is better than that of the item page. So, can make the reasonable layout of key words are more likely to get good rankings, here the author gives new techniques of several layout keywords, in general, the homepage for optimizing the more competitive keywords, column page can be suitable for optimization of medium competition keywords, content page main optimization of long tail keywords. By such reasonable keywords to optimize the distribution of the page, then there will not be overqualified, more stable and can be easier to get the keywords ranking. So, keywords in the website optimization layout is also very important, can defeat opponents under the same keywords ranking, naturally need reasonable layout good keywords, after all, have a solid foundation for their later optimization help is huge.
关键词排名常见的误区有: 1、过渡承诺排名
Keywords ranking common misconceptions are: 1, the transitional commitment rankings
There are a lot of companies will give customers of such commitment: we can guarantee the ranking, even more commitment: can guarantee on the front page or the top three. But such promises even baidu internal engineer can not do it, not to mention them? More rational approach should be: first, choose the right keywords, this is very important, to make reasonable optimization of these keywords.
2, see effect
Look is good, see the effect again, see the ranking the first pay again and again, for example, there are a lot of users for this fall, some people would say it can be about it, not to see the ranking? Yes, you see today is ranked in the home page, or even the first, but not take long before, you will see, especially when you after payment, look again in a few days to see, do you still have your ranking? Some people say that is this why? This is because many companies in order to pursue short-term interests, to win customer's trust, the use of the "black hat" optimization technique, the so-called black hat optimization technique is adopted the approach of cheating violations, may soon have a good ranking, but also is easy to search engine block.
3, the hot word is not optimized
Before this in the first point is mentioned, before making a keyword optimization must good market analysis, analysis of target customers search habits, but for the blind to optimize the hot word, because a lot of hot word may only bring flow, but want to let you spend a lot of manpower and material resources and energy, cost performance is very poor. If you don't want to do the optimization of hot word, it is recommended that you not to bid. Optimization more should remain on a meaningful key word, meaningful keyword refers to the keywords have higher conversion rate.
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