
标签:网站,优化,细致,致事,事项,要了,了解 时间:2024年04月19日 阅读150次

We are doing SEO optimization, maybe I will meet all kinds of problems, to grasp the optimized considerations, such ability faster to rank, the following specific introduction of the big fear of optimization.
1, excessive keywords don't stack, some sites in order to get good rankings will pile of keywords that will have the opposite effect, also may be punished by baidu.
2, excessive keyword optimization, don't tell keywords excessive penetration in the article, it is likely to have the opposite effect.
3, often change the page title and Description, each time to replace baidu will find the process of recording parsing and recorded. So these must be set before launch.
4, a large number of flash images in the site and modules, while flash image can improve the site beautiful degree, but we must hold a degree, too much reference will affect site optimization.


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