
标签:网站,关键,关键词,优化,都有,哪些,体例 时间:2024年04月25日 阅读108次

Website optimization have what way? Site keywords is indeed very critical. It is the most basic of the whole website login process, which is the most important step, keyword optimization is the foundation of us into the website, so its importance cannot be too emphasized. Here are a few of the best ways for a person to site optimization keywords ranking.
Site content page, to make seoER the next step is to improve the site keywords ranking, bring website traffic effectively. But improve the keyword ranking is a system engineering, from start to end all should pay attention to some details. Let's talk about how to improve the site keywords ranking:
The best pure static, web page.
As a site optimization personnel all know static pages for search engines. Dynamic pages with the best, however, generate pseudo static pages, it is also beneficial to optimize.
Second, before making a keyword optimization choose keywords is the foundation.
If select keywords do bad, so other do again good, your keywords ranking also will not come up.
Third, the Title is very important.
To contain the keywords in the Title tag, short and concise, as I stand is SEO_SEO optimization _ _ search engine optimization website optimization. The title tag is very important, at least for baidu.
Four, keyword density of keywords ranking weight is also high, general control in 2% to 8%.
Keyword density is too small small weight, keyword ranking is weak or stagnation, keyword density is too large, keyword ranking up, but soon be baidu K the coming fast, go too fast absolute does not support. So keyword density must hold good, solid content, no cheating, this is the stand for a long time to do.
Five, the keyword position is also very important.
  B H Alt等标签可以适当加入关键字,记住,适当哦!不过不要做的过火北京古建材料,总之你晓畅的。写文章或者转载最好原创的文章最好也出现几次关键字,至于要出现几次关键字,在哪里出现,SEOER的你就要本身把握了。
B H Alt tags can be appropriate to join keywords, such as remember, right! But don't overdo it, anyhow you understand. Writing articles or reproduced original best best keyword, also appeared a few times to appear a few keywords, appear where, SEOER you will grasp it himself.
Six, the site chain is the key.
Contain the keywords within the chain is also a key, do good internal links, from the inside out, increase web bonding, within the chain, to improve the ranking is also a key point.
Seven, site outside the chain have the effect very much continue to increase.
Especially with the keyword outside high pr value chain, outside the chain to improve the keyword ranking is very effective.
Eight, web design, what language standard.
Web content design had better use div + CSS format, as for why, that you want to learn web design, look at elder people's articles, and focus on baidu algorithm, you will understand, everything has rules to follow.
Hope that the above method to improve site optimization keywords ranking at 8 o 'clock can give to you a little inspiration, learning together, jointly by the real strength increase the site keywords ranking, traffic go up.


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